Built-in Vs Removable Vagina

Built-in Vs Removable Vagina

Sex dolls usually have two vagina options; the removable vagina and the built-in or fixed vagina. The built-in vagina comes attached to the doll-like that of a real woman, while the removable one comes with a vagina insert that looks like a sleeve. 

The whole idea of removable and fixed vaginas is to present you with options based on your personal preferences. So, what are the disadvantages and advantages of both? Let's talk more about that. 

Fixed Vagina 
Fixed vaginas are more realistic. It also provides more real sexual experiences because it was designed strictly by following a real woman's anatomy. 

Another advantage of fixed vaginas is that they are straightforward to use. You won't have to worry about taking it out and putting it back in. 

Some disadvantages of the fixed vagina option are that they are stressful to clean. Because of how large and heavy the dolls are, cleaning them can be a big hassle, especially if you want to give the vagina a thorough clean.

Fixed Vaginas cannot be replaced if something goes wrong; you can only replace the whole-body part of the doll. A sex doll with removable parts can be replaced and changed as you like if anything happens to one of the parts. However, replacing the entire body of the sex doll without replaceable parts will cost you a lot.

Removable Vagina 
Removable vaginas are very easy to clean and maintain. In addition, you can easily replace them if something happens to them; the replacement costs of a removable vagina are not so high. 

One major disadvantage of the removable vagina is that it can move when you have sex with the doll, which takes a little bit away from the realistic experience.

Choosing between both vaginas eventually comes down to your preference and what you're more comfortable with based on their advantages and disadvantages. 



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